Hello everyone, my name is Mark Clinton. And in this tutorial we will show you what Google AdSense is and how to be accepted in it, how to open a website, and make money.

⦁ What is Google AdSense?  

- Google AdSense is the easiest way to make money on the Internet. 

⦁ How is money earned?

- Money is earned by placing ads on a website that you have created, and when someone clicks on that ad that you have placed on your website then the money will be added to your AdSense account.

⦁ Why choose Google AdSense?

- I chose Google AdSense because it pays more for our work, and is one of the best advertising companies on the market.

⦁ How much can Google AdSense pay for 1 click on your ads?

- We still don't know how much AdSense can pay for 1 click on your ads. Because it depends on the advertisement if you see good advertisements on the Website then for 1 click they can pay over 1 Euro, but if it appears in some "weak" advertisement then the payment of the click can be 4 cents.

⦁ What should I do to be accepted into Google AdSense?

- If you have decided to become part of Google AdSense, you must have a Website in which the language must be one of the following:
German, English, Arabic, Portuguese, Greek, Romanian, Chinese, Czech, Lithuanian, Latvian, Turkish, Polish, Finnish, Ukrainian, French, Norwegian, Italian, Indonesian, Hungarian, Croatian, Japenese, Swedish, Polish, Thai, Estonian, Danish, Dutch, Korean, Spanish, Hebrew.

-If you use one of these languages ​​on your website then you may find it easier to approve on Google AdSense.

⦁ How do I create a website?

- I'm showing you two websites that are good for Google AdSense.
- Link to create a ready-made website: www.Weebly.com, or
-Link to create a host at www.000webhosting.com (and then install WordPress), I recommended 000webhost because it is better and easier for you.

⦁ Here are some bad ones for Weebly and 000Webhosting?

-Weebly has a flaw that you don't like very much, it's indeed easier for you to accept with Weebly than with another web, but if you are accepted on Google AdSense then half of your profit will be (50%) to take (Weebly) for herself.
-000Webhosting is difficult because you have a harder time working on it. (only valid for starters).

⦁ What are the benefits of Weebly or 000Webhosting?

-Exercise 000webhosting + Wordpress hosts are because it creates a more professional web and you can easily access AdSense.
-Weebly's advantages are because it is a website that helps you create your free Web and you have the things ready, so only you have to put text and photos, etc.

⦁ What should the website contain?

-The website that you create should contain more text than video or photo etc. Remember that the text must be self-created because AdSense is very dedicated to this part. (If you use Weebly then set more titles and paragraphs not just one title then the whole page will be filled with paragraph.)

⦁ How to create a G-mail Account?

-To open a Gmail account then you need to visit the following link:
Link: https://account.google.com/SignUp

⦁ How to apply on Google AdSense?

-Visit the link below:
Link: https://www.google.com/adsense/v3/signup?utm_content=nsufv1
-Then select the "Yes, proceed to Google Account sign-in" option.

⦁ How do I complete the data?

- After clicking Sign Up, the following page will appear where you have to fill in according to the photo:

- Then you fill in the other data.

⦁ How long do I have to wait to be accepted into Google AdSense?

-This does not depend on anyone, but this procedure takes 2-3 weeks sometimes or more.

⦁ I was accepted what should I do?

-All right, if you are accepted, then it is very good for me, the second step to be fully accepted is to place ads on your website and then wait for the next message that should come which will read (Full Approved). ).

⦁ I was not accepted what to do?

-If you are not accepted in Google AdSense then show me the reasons why you were not accepted and show me what to do next.

⦁ How can I recover my AdSense money?

-In the beginning, after you reach the amount of 10 Euros, a PIN will be sent to your home.

⦁ What is a PIN?

-Pin is a code that only you have, then to get that code in your home, you have to put it in Google AdSense and verify that the address of the residence is correct. (Do not try to give the drink without a letter arriving, otherwise, your account will be blocked).

⦁ Pin arrived, I verified the account, what should I do next?

-After your address is correct then you are ready to start your first payment after a check comes to your house, take it and send it to the bank, then there the check will be broken and returned to the money.