- What does it take to work in HTML?
All we need to work with HTML is a text editor and a browser. The program in which HTML tags are written is called Editor. From the word Editor itself we are dealing with editing, writing HTML tags. In windows we have the Notepad editor, in Mac TextEdit, there are many other professional editors like Adobe Dreamweaver but they are not free.
If you are practicing from your computer, after we have written the tags in HTML, we save the file with the suffix .html or him, just as a file in word is saved with .doc. We open this file with any browser for example Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc. So HTML is a simple logical language that requires only two things:
Editor and Browser.
Follow the four steps below to build your first page on Notepad:
Step 1: Open Notepad
Step 2: Write the following code in HTML
Step 3: Save the HTML page. Save it to your computer, for example with the name index.html.
Step 4: Open the page you created with a Browser
During the explanation, the Brackets editor was used here, which you can download for free at http://brackets.io and install on your computer.
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