Hello! ;) I'm Mark Clinton,

Today I will show you how to change the name on Facebook without being done (60 days).

Follow me at every step.

Step One: Go to facebook.com / and log in.

Step 2: Go to our profile, then to About.

Step Three: Click on Detail About You and click Add Nickname on the Other Names option.

Step 4: Enter the name you want to set for Facebook, and then press Show at profile, and do Save.

Step 5: Go to Settings / Personal Information.

Step 6: Click on Name: and you will be prompted (You cannot change your name on Facebook right now because you’ve changed it in the last 60 days. You can still change the order. Learn More.
Your last name change was on April xx, 2020.) Click Learn More.

Step 7: Sit down with the mouse, and we'll see this: (If you're still having trouble changing your name, you can start this form to request a name change and confirm your name.) Click to start this form ... and you will fill out the form as I am doing: D.

Step 8: After filling in the Name and Surname, the following will appear: (Reason for this change) which requires you to select 1 of them, why you want to change the name. We will click Adding a NickName.

Step 9: Then you will be shown: (Your Documents) which requires a photo, you can upload a photo of your shelf or id card or something else that identifies you. Once you have completed all of them, click "Send". And we'll wait a few minutes until your name changes.

Also so after 1 hour, we see that the name has changed as I want. /www.INTECHNOLOGY.blogspot.com 

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